Thursday, 2 February 2017

Wild Goose Chase

White-fronted Goose is number 111 on my year list.  I have to thank the young man at TESCO phone shop in Fraserburgh who this morning switched my 4G signal on so that I could pick up the message from Alex who had found the geese just outside St Combs.  Thank you Alex.  I have to thank my partner Jill, we were having lunch in Fraserburgh when the message came through, for driving me out there. I had my camera but not any binoculars so I wasn't sure I had seen the WFG. So we went home,  Jill dealt with the two blokes who had started fixing the garage door while we were out while I went, with camera and binoculars to find the WFG.

It was quite an easy task to pick them out from about 200 or so Pink-footed Geese. They were a bit far away but the photos are quite clear.

Total on list 111


  1. It was quite good fun to see the birds in real life! I could get used to this.

    1. We will have to see what other roadside birds there are to find.
