Saturday, 18 February 2017

Little Egret

Short post this one.

Having arrived back home from the Edinburgh trip there were many things to do, laundry, cleaning, shopping and sundry other domestic chores.  I also had a few hundred photos to sort through.  But first things first.  Straight after breakfast on 17th Feb I went to the Loch of Strathbeg to see if the Little Egret that Alex and John had messaged me about was still there.  It was, but too far away for a photograph.  So you will have to wait for that.  If you can't wait visit Johns Facebook page 'Broch Birder Picture Diary'  he has some picture you can see.

Total on list 122

1 comment:

  1. Good on you for tackling the chores. Hope you enjoyed seeing your family in Edinburgh.
